Remembering the Past. Advancing to the Future
State Travel Manager Alliance



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Benefits of a managed travel program:

A strong travel management program, with buy in from as high as the Governor's Office, can ensure that tax payer's dollars are saved. A clear travel policy and the ability to update that policy yearly (at the minimum) according to the economy will keep the program effective. On-going policy training, newsletters and an informative travel web page are also a must. Here are a few of the benefits and tools needed to have a successful Travel Management Program:

Contracted Travel Agency(s) - having a contracted agency to provide travel services gives a State the opportunity to obtain contracts from rental car companies and airlines. It also allows them to benefit from the travel agencies buying power with hotels globally. Here are some other benefits:

A. Reporting capability
1. Year to Year Comparisons
2. Totals by day, week, month or year
3. Detailed air/ car/ hotel activity-by individual traveler or as a whole department
4. Air and service fee transactions by credit card
5. Destination report - can be used in case of an emergency/national disaster.
Allows the travel manager to track where all travelers are within minutes.

B. Compliance Control
Able to instruct the agency as to the appropriate authorizations that are needed before booking the travel. They can also stop the travelers from demanding flight arrangements that are outside of policy.

C. Unused Ticket Tracking
Most agencies are able to keep track of unused tickets. This can successfully catalog thousands of dollars worth of unused airline tickets that would have otherwise been lost.

D. Experienced Agents
Utilize the expertise and experience of the travel agents in order to keep the cost low by thinking of creative alternatives.

E. Customer Service
Access to special services desks with various airlines in order to receive assistance with customer service issues that may arise.

F. 24 Hour Assistance
The ability to provide a centralized 24 hour travel department that can assist in any travel related inquiries/problems.

Benefits of State Travel Manager Alliance:

Participating in STMA allows a Travel Manager to gain a wealth of knowledge. This is important information that can be used to set up and maintain a successful Travel Management Program. The conference calls that are held every other month allow networking and sharing of ideas. The email list server also allows a travel manager to send one simple email which will be sent out to every participating travel manager state wide. This is a great tool to gather information at any time.



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